Saturday, May 19, 2012

To blog or not to blog; that is the question

Whether to blog or not is a legitimate query. However, a writer puts his or her thoughts out there. It goes with the territory. You have something to say. You believe the potential exists within the exercise to phrase your words in such a way that a transfer of your ideas and thoughts could occur reaching those who might find them useful. A blog exists as a way to communicate that has an immediate potential for contact with readers; with those who might discover what you have to say has impact or application in their own lives. It is risky, but when tomorrow is not promised what justifies a life lived without taking risks?

Looking at everything going on in the world-- all the changes in social construction and mores as well as morals; and how technology has cut through the boundries of time and distance making them almost meaningless-- an obligation exists for those who love God and follow Jesus (whose knees bow and whose tongues proclaim that "God is love and Love has come for us all") to do as we are told and go into all the world spreading the Gospel, the Good News, the Truth. My Bible says that as a woman I should do that by my example; by communicating what I have learned and how I live my life and make my decisions. A blog is an effective way to carry out the great commission and to do so within the instructed manner so that even a strict traditionalist cannot argue the means or the method.

Finally, the world encourages division, selling or spinning it as specialization, improvement, efficiency. We see it in medicine and the law. We hear it repeated like a mantra by secular humanist as well as Christians in phrases like "the speration of church and state" touting that division is good and highly to be praised. I disagree.

I look in Genesis and see that God in the beginning did not call dividing the waters above from the waters below as good. I plowed through the Law in Deuteronomy and Leviticus and realized that God did not seperate judgement according to personal or professional. Jesus did not differentiate or seperate healing and He even crossed over the lines between Jew and Gentile to deliver it.

These are not arguments intended at this point in time to be articulated. However, the mindset, the view and opinion that who you are when you get out of bed in the morning is who you are when you go to bed at night should be taken as a given within these posts.

The you that decides what clothing to wear, what calls to take, what actions to pursue is the same person whether you are at home, at work, or in a friend's house; whether in church, temple, or yoga class; and whether driving your car, teaching your children, leading your employees, or serving your neighbors-- who may be clients, constituents, or strangers you may never meet or know.

So "to blog" it is! One person's journey in a life without the justification of division or the rationalization of separation that perhaps you will find useful as you proceed through the hills and dales, valleys and byways of your own life-journey.

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